
A casino is a place where people can gamble and play games of chance. It may add a host of other luxuries to help attract patrons, but it is fundamentally a gambling establishment. The modern casino might look more like an indoor amusement park, complete with musical shows, lighted fountains and shopping centers, but it would not exist without the billions of dollars in profits that its various games of chance generate each year.

Roulette, craps, blackjack and video poker are some of the most popular games at casinos. While these games have an element of skill, they also come with mathematically determined odds that ensure a house advantage. This edge, which can be mathematically expressed as the expected value of a game, is the main source of revenue for casinos and other gaming establishments. Casinos also collect a commission, known as the rake, from some games of chance, such as poker.

Casinos are found throughout the world. Several American states changed their laws in the 1980s to permit them, and some American Indian reservations also have casinos. In addition to land-based casinos, some countries allow regulated online casino gambling.

Casinos are often criticized for their negative impact on communities. Critics point out that casinos draw local players away from other forms of entertainment and that compulsive gambling hurts families, businesses and local economies. They also argue that casinos do not generate enough jobs to offset the loss of other types of employment in a community.